Privacy Policy

Effective date: January 2024



This Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") applies to the personal data that Peekamoji processes in connection with Peekamoji apps, websites, software, and related services (the "Platform") that link to or reference this Privacy Policy.

Data controller: Peekamoji Viborgvej 58, 9600 Aars CVR 42815667

Conditions for Consent when Using the App: To provide and ensure the full functionality of our platform, it is necessary for us to collect and process certain personal information. By downloading and using our app, you consent to this processing of your data, which is essential for us to provide the service and content available through the app. We understand the importance of your privacy and ensure that your data is managed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent and thereby stop processing your personal information, please delete the app from your device. Please note that deleting the app will result in you no longer being able to access the platform's services and content. We recommend that you review our full privacy policy and contact us at if you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your personal information."


What information we collect


We collect your information in three ways:

Information You Provide

·     Profile information. We collect information that you provide when creating an account, such as your date of birth, username, email address and/or phone number and password. You can add other information to your profile, such as a bio or profile picture.

·     User Content. We collect the content that you create or publish through the Platform, such as photographs, videos, audio recordings, live-stream, comments, hashtags, feedback, reviews, and the associated metadata (such as when, where and by whom the content was created). Even if you are not a user, information about you may appear in content created or published by users on the Platform. We collect User Content through preloading at the time of creation, import or upload, whether you choose to save or upload that User Content, for example, to recommend music based on the video. We also collect content (such as text, images, and video) from your device's clipboard if you choose to copy and paste content to or from the Platform or share content between it and a third-party platform. In addition, we collect location information (such as tourist attractions, shops, or other points of interest) if you choose to add location information to your User Content.

·     Direct messages. If you communicate with others using direct messages, we collect the content of the message and its metadata (such as the time the message was sent, received and/or read, and the participants in the communication). We also collect the messages you send or receive through our chat feature when communicating with merchants who sell goods to you and your use of virtual assistants when purchasing goods through the Platform. We do this to block spam, detect crime, and to protect our users.

·     Your contacts. If you choose to synchronize your contacts, we collect information from your device's phonebook, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses, and match that information with Platform users. If you choose to find other users through your social networking contacts, we collect your public profile information as well as the names and profiles of your social network contacts.

·     Purchase Information. When you make a purchase or payment on or through the Platform, including when you purchase Peekamoji Coins or purchase any other item through our shopping features, we collect information about the purchase or payment transaction such as payment card details, billing, delivery, and contact information and items you have purchased.

·     Information when you contact us. When you contact us, we collect the information you send us, such as proof of identity or age, feedback, or inquiries about your use of the platform, or information about violations of our Terms.

·     Information from forms and features that you use. We collect the information that you provide when you fill out a form on the Platform., you can let Peekamoji fill in forms automatically with your account information, such as your addresses or payment information.


Automatically collected information


·     Technical information. When you access the Platform, we collect certain information about your device and network connection. This information includes your device model, operating system, keystroke patterns or rhythms, IP address, and system language. We also collect service-related, diagnostic and performance information, including crash reports and performance logs. We will automatically assign you a device ID and a user ID. If you sign in from multiple devices, we use information such as your device ID and user ID to identify your activity across devices to provide you with a seamless sign-in experience and for security reasons.

·     Location information. We automatically collect information about your approximate location (e.g., country, state, or city) based on your technical information (such as SIM card and IP address). If you enable location services for the Peekamoji app in your device settings, we will also collect approximate location information from your device.

·     Usage Information. We collect information about how you interact with the Platform, including information about the content you view, the duration and frequency of your use, your interactions with other users, your search history, and your settings.

·     Content characteristics and characteristics. We record and collect characteristics and characteristics of the videos, images and audio recordings that are part of your User Content, for example by identifying objects and landscapes, the existence or location of a face or other body parts in an image, and the text of words spoken in your User Content. We do this, for example, for content moderation purposes and to provide targeted content.

·     Inferred information. We infer your attributes (such as age group and gender) and interests based on the information we hold about you. For example, we use inferred inferences to keep the Platform secure, for content moderation, and, if permitted, to show you personalized ads based on your interests.

·     Cookies. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to operate and deliver the Platform. For example, we use cookies to remember your language preferences, make sure you do not watch the same video more than once, and for security reasons. We also use these technologies for marketing purposes. We obtain your consent to our use of cookies if required by law.


Information from other source


·     Advertisers, measurement services and other partners. We share information about you and the actions you have taken off-platform with advertisers, measurement services, and other partners. For example, we share information about your activities on other websites and apps or stores, including the products or services you have purchased online or physically. These partners also share their information with us, such as mobile identifiers for advertising, reused email addresses and phone numbers, and cookie identifiers that we use to help match you and your off-platform actions with your Peekamoji account. Some of our advertisers and other partners enable us to collect similar information directly from their website or app by integrating our Peekamoji advertiser tools.

·     Merchants, payment, and transaction settlement providers. We receive information about you from merchants as well as payment and transaction settlement providers, such as payment confirmation information and information about the delivery of products you have purchased through our shopping features.

·     Third Party Platforms and Partners. Third-party platforms provide information to us (such as your email address, user ID, and public profile) when you choose to sign up or log in to the platform using the login features provided by those third parties. We may also receive contact information that you hold or that is held about you when contact information is synchronized with our Platform by you or another user. When you interact with any third-party service (such as third-party apps, websites, or products) that integrate Peekamoji developer tools, we receive the information necessary to provide you with features, such as cross-service authentication or postings across services. This will happen, for example, if you log in to another platform with your Peekamoji account, or if you use Peekamoji's "share" button on a third-party platform to share content from there on the platform. We may also receive information from third-party providers that we use for security purposes, including to protect users on the Platform and for content moderation.

·     Other sources. We may collect or receive information about you from organizations, companies, individuals, and others, including, for example, publicly available sources, government agencies, professional organizations, and charities. We also receive information about you when you are included or mentioned in User Content, direct messages, in a complaint, appeal, request or feedback submitted by a user or third party, or if your contact information is provided to us by a user.


How We Use Your Information


We use your information to operate, provide, develop, and improve the platform, including for the following purposes.

·     Provide and administer the Platform, such as allowing you to create, share and consume content and to interact with other users and their content and provide user support.

·     Provide our purchasing features and facilitate the purchase and delivery of products, goods, and services, including sharing your information with merchants, payment and transaction settlement providers and other service providers for the purpose of processing your orders.

·     If we bill you for a service, we will use the information you have provided to us such as your name, address, bank connection and transaction ID to complete a payment to you.

·     Customize certain features and content on the Platform, such as providing your "For You" feed.

·     Enforce our terms, guidelines and other policies that apply to you. We review User Content and other information using a mix of technology (including automated measures) and human moderation to protect the safety and well-being of our community.

·     Provide certain interactive features, such as enabling your content to be used in other users' videos or images and suggesting your account to other users to help connect you with other users.

·     Provide and improve our advertising services, including serving ads (including personalized ads, if allowed), and measuring and understanding the effectiveness of the ads and other content.

·     Maintain and improve the security and stability of the Platform by identifying and addressing technical or security issues (such as technical glitches, spam accounts, and detecting abuse, fraud, and illegal activity).

·     Review, improve and develop the Platform, including by monitoring interactions and usage across your devices, analyzing how people use it, and by training, testing, and improving our technology such as our machine learning models and algorithms.

·     Share your information with third-party platforms to provide you with features, such as content sharing at your request, when you integrate your Peekamoji account with a third-party service.

·     Promote research conducted by independent researchers who meet certain criteria.

·     Market the Platform or third-party services through marketing messages, contests, or promotions.

·     Comply with our legal obligations, or as necessary to perform tasks in the public interest, or to protect the vital interests of our users and other people.


How We Share Your Information


Service providers.

We hire service providers who help us provide, support, and develop the Platform and understand how it is used. They offer services such as:


·     cloud hosting and content delivery.

·     Customer support and technical support

·     Content moderation

·     marketing

·     Analytics and online payment


We share information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources with these service providers as necessary to enable them to provide their services.




Third Party Platforms and Partners. We share limited information, which may include information you provide, technical information, and usage information, with third-party platforms and partners whose platforms or services are integrated with our Platform. We do this to provide you with a perfect experience, enable your content to be shared on other platforms, and/or enable third-party platforms and partners to better authenticate users. Some examples include if you:


·     if you log in to a third-party platform using your account, we will share your basic account information and any other information you provide.

·     sign up for or log in to the Platform using your account information from a third-party platform (such as Facebook or Google), we share certain technical information to make this possible.

·     For example, if you share User Content that you post on the Platform on other social media platforms, we will share your User Content and related information.


Advertisers. We provide aggregated information to advertisers about the performance of their ads and other content on the Platform to help them measure their performance. We create this aggregated information using information you provide, automatically collected information, and information from other sources. We share your information directly with advertisers if you give us your permission.

Measurement and data partners. We also share information you provide, technical and usage information with third-party measurement providers, which help us measure ads shown on the Platform and help our advertisers determine how effective their ads have been.

Merchants, payment and transaction settlement providers and other service providers. When you make a purchase through the shopping features on our Platform, we share purchase information related to the transaction with merchant, payment and transaction providers, and other service providers. For example, we share order items, contact information, and delivery information so that your order can be processed. We may also share certain technical information about your device or connection with these parties to ensure the security of the transaction.




We share your information in other limited scenarios as follows:

Users and the public. Based on your privacy settings, your information, including your profile information, your User Content, and your usage information, may be visible to other users and the public. For example, if you have a public account and have not limited the visibility of your individual posts, your profile information and user content can be viewed or shared by anyone on or off the platform, whether they have a Peekamoji account or not. Depending on your privacy settings, your profile information and user content may also be used in search engines and content aggregates and displayed on news sites. You can learn more about account types and privacy settings, including how to limit the audience of your videos.

Users of our analytics services. We provide aggregated statistics and insights to help people and businesses understand how people interact with the platform. For example, creators and advertisers may receive information about the number of views, likes, comments, and shares of their videos, as well as aggregated demographic information about their followers and viewers of their videos. We create this aggregated information using information that you provide and automatically collected information.

Corporate transactions. Your information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or stock, reorganization, financing, change of control, or acquisition of all or part of our business.

Legal obligations and rights. We may access, preserve, and share the information with law enforcement, government agencies, copyright owners, or other third parties if we believe in good faith that doing so is necessary to:


·     comply with applicable law, legal process, or government requests, in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

·     protect the rights, property and safety of our users, copyright owners and others, including to protect life or prevent imminent bodily harm. For example, we may provide information (such as your IP address) to law enforcement authorities in the event of an emergency where an individual's life or safety is at risk.

·     investigate potential violations of and enforce our terms, guidelines or any other applicable terms, policies, or standards; or

·     detect, investigate, prevent, or address deceptive activity, copyright infringement, or other illegal activity.


Our legal basis and how we process your information.


We may only use your information when we have a "legal basis" to do so. We use different legal bases depending on why we use your information (in other words, the "purpose" of our processing). These legal bases are contractual necessity, legitimate interests (our, yours or another party), consent, compliance with a legal obligation, performance of a task in the public interest and protection of vital interests.

Here we explain the legal basis that we rely on when processing your data. This section also describes why we use your information, how that information is processed, what categories of information are involved, and the associated rights (which always include the right to access your information).


Contractual necessity


For all individuals who possess the legal capacity to enter a legally enforceable contract, we use information you provide, automatically collected information, and information from other sources if necessary to perform the contract you enter (our terms) when you sign up, access, or use the Platform. This means that we use your information to:

·     Deliver the platform to you. We use your information to provide you with access to and use the Platform, including allowing you to create and consume content, interact with others, use social features, and provide you with products and services that you purchase. We also customize certain features and content on the platform, such as providing your "For You" feed, which shows you videos we think you would be interested in and suggesting accounts for you.

·     Product orders and deliveries. We use your information to process orders, such as to facilitate the purchase and delivery of products and communicate with you about your orders. This includes sharing purchase information with merchants, payment and transaction settlement providers, and other service providers.

·     Enforce our terms, guidelines, or policies. We use your information to enforce our terms, guidelines, and policies (including through automated measures and human moderation). This may include age-restricting mature content, maintaining our For You feed eligibility standards, removing content, and suspending or banning your account if we determine that you violate our terms or guidelines.

·     Manage the platform. We also use the information we must administer the Platform, such as to communicate with you about service-related matters, provide updates and support on the purchases you make on or through the Platform, and respond to your inquiries (including when you tell us about a problem or ask for a copy of your information).

Your rights: When we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for the contract, we have entered with you, you have the right to transfer information that you have provided to us.


Legitimate interests


We use your information if it is necessary to achieve legitimate interests – whether they belong to us, you or a third party – provided that these interests are not outweighed by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. We use the information we collect to:

Enable users to create content with interactive features.

·     Interactive features, such as Duet and chat, sharing, etc., allow other users to include your videos, images, text, or anything else you have publicly shared in their content (if you allow this in your settings).

·     Legitimate interest claimed: To provide users with tools to inspire creativity, collaboration, and enjoyment, as well as to create opportunities for users to reach new audiences.

·     Information Used: Information that you provide and automatically collected information.


Suggest your account to other users.


·     We may suggest your account to other users, including when a user chooses to synchronize their contacts with the platform.

·     Legitimate interest invoked: To enable users to find and connect with other users quickly and efficiently.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Deliver non-personalized advertising to all users.


·     We show all users non-personalized advertising, including those who have opted out of receiving personalized ads.

·     Legitimate interest relied upon: We display non-personalized ads to provide the platform for free. We process limited categories of your information to ensure that our advertising service is useful to our advertisers (for example, to serve ads to users in a particular country or to users who speak the same language).

·     Information Used: Information that you provide and automatically collected information.


Provide measurement and analysis services.


·     We help creators and advertisers measure the effectiveness and distribution of ads and other content viewed on the platform.

·     Legitimate interest relied upon: To enable creators and advertisers to see and understand the performance of their ads or content, and the audience that viewed or interacted with their ads or content. This is so they can make informed decisions (such as what kinds of ad campaigns they might want to run, what type of audience they want to reach, and what types of content users like best). This helps keep the advertising and other content that we show users relevant and entertaining and makes the platform free for all users.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Ensure the safety and well-being of our community.


·     We use your information to ensure the safety and well-being of our community, including by reviewing User Content (and, where permitted by applicable law, direct messages, and associated metadata) for violations of our terms, guidelines, and other policies. We also infer your age range and, in certain circumstances, may ask you to provide additional information to verify your age.

·     Legitimate interest relied upon: To keep our community safe, review compliance with our guidelines and identify abuse of the platform.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Ensure the security and stability of the platform.


·     We use your information to ensure the stability and security of the platform, including by identifying and combating technical or security issues (such as technical glitches, spam accounts and detecting abuse, fraud, and illegal activity).

·     Legitimate interest invoked: To ensure the continued stability and security of the platform as well as its continuous availability and operability.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Review, improve, market, and develop the platform.


·     We use the information we must understand how people use the Platform and to develop and improve the Platform, including to develop and improve our technology such as our machine learning models and algorithms. We also use this information to better understand and market the platform, trending topics and emerging trends.

·     Legitimate interest relied upon: To improve, market and develop the platform in an informed manner.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Promotion of independent research.


·     We share your information with independent researchers to promote research that meets certain criteria, including where such researchers have demonstrable experience and expertise in their field.

·     Legitimate interest claimed: To promote independent research aimed at developing society's collective knowledge, including in the areas of misinformation and false information, violence, cybercrime, and social trends.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information.


Share your information with third parties.


·     We share your information with third parties whose platforms or services are integrated with the platform.

·     Legitimate interest relied upon: To provide you with a perfect experience, enable your content to be shared on other platforms, allow third parties to authenticate users, and optimize the user experience.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Marketing messages.


·     We may send you direct marketing communications about features of the Platform and third-party services that we think will interest you. We may also send you promotions, contests or marketing campaigns or event information. We obtain your consent to send you notices if required by law.

·     Legitimate interest invoked: To market the Platform or third-party products and services.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.

Your rights: Where we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for legitimate interests, you can object to and request restriction of such use.


If you are under the age of majority (18 in most relevant countries) and only have a limited right to enter an enforceable contract where we may not be able to process your information based on contractual necessity, we rely on legitimate interests and use the information we collect to:


Deliver the platform to you.


·     We use your information to provide you with access to and use the Platform, including allowing you to create, share and consume content, interact with others, use features, and provide products and services that you purchase.

·     Legitimate interests invoked: To provide, support, and maintain products and features that enable users who cannot form an enforceable contract with us to communicate, discover, and engage with content and express themselves. We also rely on our users' legitimate interest in having easy and intuitive access to the platform.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Customize features and content.


·     We use your information to customize certain features and content on the Platform, such as providing your "To You" feed, which shows you videos we think you would be interested in and by suggesting accounts for you.

·     Legitimate interests invoked: To provide, support, and maintain products and features that enable users who cannot enter an enforceable contract with us to communicate, discover, and engage with relevant content of interest. We also rely on the legitimate interest of our users, who cannot enter into a legally enforceable contract with us, in having access to the Platform and relevant content of interest.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Enforce our terms, guidelines, or policies.


·     We use your information to enforce our terms, guidelines, and policies (including through automated measures and human moderation). This may include age-restricting mature content, maintaining our For You feed eligibility standards, removing content, and suspending or banning your account if we determine that you violate our terms or guidelines.

·     Legitimate interests invoked: To keep the Platform free of harmful or inappropriate content, to investigate suspicious activity or violations of our terms, guidelines, or policies, and to protect the safety of users who cannot enter a legally enforceable contract with us, including to prevent exploitation or other harm to which such persons may be particularly vulnerable. It is also in the legitimate interest of our users if they cannot enter into a legally enforceable contract with us, and in the public to prevent bad experiences and promote safety, integrity, and safety.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.


Manage the platform.


·     - We use the information we must administer the Platform, such as to communicate with users and respond to and process your queries (including when you tell us about a problem or ask for a copy of your information).

·     Legitimate interests invoked: To share meaningful updates with our users, who cannot enter a legally enforceable contract with us, on service-related topics and to address those users' queries, claims, and disputes.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources.

Your rights: Where we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for legitimate interests, you can object to and request restriction of such use.


Your consent


We ask for your consent to access or use your information for specific purposes. If we do, you will always be able to withdraw your consent through your device permissions or settings in the app.

Personalised advertising.

·     With your consent, we will show you personalized ads based on your on-platform and off-platform activity.

·     Information Used: Information you provide, automatically collected information and information from other sources for this purpose.

Your rights: When we use your information based on your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your information based on your consent that took place prior to your withdrawal of consent. You can withdraw your consent to relevant settings for personalised ads.

You also have the right to transfer information that you have provided to us, which we use based on your consent.


Compliance with a legal obligation.


We may use your information, including your profile information or User Content, if necessary to comply with a legal obligation. This includes situations where we are required to take steps to ensure the safety of our users or comply with a valid legal request, such as an injunction or disclosure request from regulators, law enforcement agencies, or courts. We use information that you provide and automatically collected information, although it depends on the specific situation.


To perform a task conducted in the public interest.


We may use your information if it is necessary to perform a task in the public interest, including conducting research, preventing, and detecting crime, protecting children, and promoting public safety and integrity as set out in applicable law. We use information that you provide and automatically collected information, although it depends on the specific situation.

Your rights: When we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for a task conducted in the public interest, you have the right to object to and seek restriction of our use.


To protect the vital interests of a person


We may use your information if necessary to protect your or others' lives, physical integrity, or safety. This could include providing information to law enforcement authorities or emergency services in emergency situations to protect health or life. We provide information that you provide and automatically collected information, although it depends on the specific situation.

Use of Algorithms and Automated Decision Making: Our Platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze user data and personalize your experience, including content recommendations and targeted advertising. We want to be transparent about how these algorithms work and their impact on the information and content you see. We ensure that algorithm-based decisions will not lead to unlawful or unfair discrimination, and you have the right to request manual review of decisions based solely on automated processing.


Your Rights and Choices


You have rights and choices when it comes to your information. Some of these rights apply, while others will only apply in certain circumstances. Depending on the scenario, these rights may be subject to some restrictions. Peekamoji is responsible for responding to your request within the relevant periods established by law. If necessary to resolve your request.


Right to Data Portability


We recognize your right to data portability as an important part of data protection rights. This implies that you may request a copy of the personal data you have provided to our Platform in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Furthermore, you have the right to transfer this data to another service provider. To exercise this right, please send a request to Upon receipt of your request, we will endeavour to transmit your data within a reasonable time and in accordance with applicable law."

Delete your information.


You can delete or ask us to delete some or all your information. In-app Controls’ allow you to:

·     Delete content posted on your profile, such as your User Content and profile information.

·     Delete your entire account. Directly in the app.

·     request deletion of specific content using the reporting function in the app

Correct your information. You can change or correct your information if the information in question is incorrect. You can change or correct much of your information through the controls and settings in the app (such as your profile information).

Object to the processing of your data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances. This right applies when we perform a task in the public interest, pursue our legitimate interests or the interests of third parties, or when your data is processed for the purpose of furthering scientific or historical research in certain circumstances. When submitting an objection request, please provide all relevant information, including the processing activity to which you object, why you wish to object and how the processing activity affects you, and any additional information that you believe will help us review your request. We will stop the specific processing if we do not have compelling legitimate reasons to continue the processing or do not need it for legal claims.

Restrict the processing of your information. You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your data if (a) you contest the accuracy of the data, (b) the data has been processed unlawfully but you oppose the erasure of the data in question, (c) if you need the data to be stored to pursue or defend a legal claim, or (d) you have objected to the processing,  and you await the outcome of that objection request.

To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us via our Before we can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you may be asked to verify your identity or account information or provide additional information so that we can understand your request.

We encourage you to "Contact Us" if you are not satisfied with how we have responded to any requests to exercise our rights. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, Carl Jacobsen’s Vej 35, 2500 Valby, e-mail: Data Protection Commission (Peekamoji lead supervisory authority) or to your local supervisory authority.


Data security and retention


The security of your information is important to us. We maintain appropriate technical, administrative, and physical safeguards designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, theft, disclosure, alteration, or loss. We regularly review our security measures to consider available modern technology and methods.

We retain information for as long as necessary to provide the Platform and for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We also retain data when necessary to comply with contractual and legal obligations, when we have a legitimate business interest in doing so (such as improving and developing the Platform and improving its security and stability), and for the exercise or defense of legal claims.

The retention periods are different depending on the type of information and the purposes for which we use the information. For example, when we process your information to provide the Platform to you, we will retain that information for as long as you have an account. This information includes your profile information, User Content, and direct messages. If you violate our guidelines or terms, we may remove your profile information and/or User Content from public view immediately but retain your information as necessary to address the violation.


Our global operations and data transfers

To support our global operations:


·     We store the information described in the section on servers in the United States and Europe.

When we transfer your information outside the EEA, UK, and Switzerland, we ensure that it has an adequate level of data protection by relying on:


·     Adequacy decision. These are decisions of the European Commission under Art. 45 GDPR (or equivalent decisions under other laws) where they recognize that a country offers an adequate level of data protection. We transfer your information as described in "What Information We Collect" to countries with adequacy decisions, such as those listed.

·     Standard Contractual Clauses. The European Commission has approved contractual clauses under Article 46 of the GDPR that allow companies in the EEA to transfer data outside the EEA. These are called Standard Contractual Clauses. We rely on these Standard Contractual Clauses to transfer information, as described in "What Information We Collect", to certain entities within our group of companies and third parties in countries without an adequate decision.


Younger users


You must be at least 13 years old to use the platform. If you believe there is a user who is under this minimum age, please contact us at If you are the guardian of a teen, we will help you understand the platform and the tools and controls you or your teen can use.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may change or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes to this Policy through a notice provided through the Platform or otherwise. The "Last Updated" date at the top of this Policy reflects the effective date of such policy changes.


Contact us!


You can contact us about this privacy policy via