Terms of Use

Effective date: January 2024


Welcome to the Peekamoji family – a creative and connected community!

We are delighted that you have chosen to become part of our special community. At Peekamoji, we value every user and are committed to making your time here both enriching and fun.


To optimize your experience, we encourage you to carefully review our Terms of Use. These are designed to maintain a positive and safe environment for everyone. By using our Platform, you agree to these Terms and enter into a legal agreement with us. These principles are essential to creating an excellent experience for everyone in the Peekamoji Community.


Do you have any questions? Our team is always ready to assist. You are understanding and adherence to these rules is essential to making Peekamoji a warm and welcoming place for everyone.


About Peekamoji


We, located at Viborgvej 58, 9600 Aars, Denmark with TAX number DK42815667, are proud to be the creators of the services that you are about to put into use.


Scope of Our Services


These Terms of Use govern your use of all Peekamoji Services. This includes, but is not limited to, our applications, websites, software, and other related services available across different platforms and devices (collectively referred to as the "Platform"). These terms form an essential part of the agreement we enter with you. By accepting these Terms, you undertake to abide by them in your use of our Services.


Additional Terms and Policies

Use of Specific Features

Additional terms and policies may apply to certain products or features of the Peekamoji Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, instances where you broadcast or live stream certain types of content or use the Platform for business or commercial purposes. The most relevant of these additional terms are described below:


Virtual Purchases


When using Virtual Purchases to enable or access features of the Platform, you must adhere to the following rules:

·     Attempts at cheating or manipulation to obtain virtual purchases without payment are prohibited.

·     Virtual purchases must be used in accordance with the platform's guidelines.

·     All purchases of virtual goods are final and not subject to the right of withdrawal.


Receiving Rewards from Peekamoji


When receiving virtual gifts, gratuities, or other rewards from Peekamoji, you must adhere to the following rules:

·     Respect the intentions behind rewards received; Avoid soliciting or expecting rewards in a manipulative way.

·     Abuse of the reward system may result in penalties.

·     Please be aware that the value and nature of rewards may vary according to platform policies.


Music conditions


By sharing content on the platform that contains music, follow these guidelines:

·     Ensure that you have the necessary rights to the music in your content and avoid copyright infringement.

·     Please be aware that the platform may monitor and restrict the use of music that infringes rights.


Commercial Music Library Terms


When using music from Peekamoji's commercial music library, or when using music commercially, please note the following:

·     Fees or licensing requirements may apply to commercial use of music from the library.

·     You must comply with applicable license agreements and payment terms.


3.1.5 Intellectual property policy


When using content on the platform that is protected by intellectual property rights, you must follow these rules:

·     Avoid uploading, sharing, or distributing content that infringes intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

·     The platform reserves the right to take measures, including removal of infringing content and sanctions against violators.

Peekamoji Shop Buyer Terms

When purchasing items in Peekamoji Shop, you must comply with the following terms:

·     Pay attention to specific payment terms, return policy, and guarantees for the purchased goods.

·     Read and understand the specific terms of each purchase before completing the trade.


Trademark Content Policy


When promoting third-party brands or their products or services for a fee or incentive:

·     The use of third-party marks must be in accordance with relevant agreements and with respect for the rights of the mark holder.




For business use of the platform, such as managing a business:

·     Comply with applicable laws and regulations governing your business activity.

·     Please be aware that there may be additional rules and policies that apply to business use of the platform.

·     Clarify when content is advertising.


Buying and Selling in Peekamoji Shop: Disclaimer and Roles


When Sellers offer items for sale in the Peekamoji Shop, it is their responsibility to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, payment terms, shipping procedures, and returns. Sellers must ensure that all transactions are conducted in a lawful and ethical manner and that they comply with all relevant consumer protection laws. This includes, but is not limited to, liability for:

·     Correct description of the goods.

·     Compliance with agreed delivery times.

·     Handling returns and refunds in accordance with applicable law.

Peekamoji as an Intermediary Peekamoji acts solely as an intermediary between buyers and sellers. We provide the platform where transactions can take place, but do not enter into any purchase agreements ourselves. As a result, Peekamoji assumes no responsibility for disputes, problems or disagreements that may arise because of transactions in the Peekamoji Shop. This includes, but is not limited to:

·     Disputes about the quality, safety, functionality, or description of the goods sold.

·     Problems with shipping or delivery of goods.

·     Disputes regarding refunds, returns or warranty.

As a buyer in Peekamoji Shop, you acknowledge and agree that your purchase is an agreement directly between you and that seller. Peekamoji is not a party to this agreement and therefore not responsible for the quality, condition, delivery, or conformity of the purchased goods with the description. Any questions, complaints, claims for refunds or other issues related to purchased goods should be directed directly to the seller. Peekamoji has no obligations in resolving these issues and cannot be held responsible for:

·     Defects, defects, or damage to the purchased goods.

·     Delays, errors, or problems in the delivery of goods.

·     Non-compliance with agreements or promises made by the seller.

Peekamoji assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by transactions or interactions between buyers and sellers on the platform. Users of Peekamoji Shop engage in transactions at their own risk.

By using Peekamoji Shop, users acknowledge these conditions and agree to act accordingly.


How you can use the platform


Our Platform and Business Model

Peekamoji offers a global platform that enables users to create, view, interact with, and share content. A key feature is our "For You" feed in the Peekamoji app, which uses a sophisticated recommendation system based on user interactions such as likes, shares and comments. This system helps you discover a diverse supply of content and creators. Our goal is to create a safe platform where everyone can express themselves freely and have fun. We use a combination of technology, human moderation, and user reports to comply with our terms and community guidelines.


Peekamoji is primarily a free service, but we also offer paid services and features. We serve ads and collect commissions from sales in the Peekamoji Shop and for the purchase of virtual gifts or features. Details of our data use can be found in our privacy policy, which we recommend you read.


Information you provide to us.


It is possible to use basic functions of the platform without an account. If you choose to use the Platform without an account, these Terms will still apply, and we will process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


For full access to the platform's features, you need to create an account. We offer several types of accounts that synchronize across the Peekamoji platform, including all our apps. This ensures a seamless user experience no matter which Peekamoji app you use. It is important that the information you provide when creating the account is accurate and updated continuously. Your account security is important, so remember to keep your password confidential and inform us immediately if you suspect unauthorized access to your account.

When creating an account, it is prohibited to impersonate or present yourself as public figures or trademarks that you do not have the rights to. If this rule is violated, we reserve the right to suspend your username and, upon request, transfer it to the entitled individual. In cases of doubt regarding the legitimacy of a username, we may request documentation to verify the validity of the name. For instance, if your legal name is Taylor Swift, you are allowed to use this name for your profile. In cases where a profile name is a person's real name, this name will be assigned to the person who first registers it and can provide documentation of this.


Minimum Age.


To use the Peekamoji platform, you must be at least 13 years old. We monitor the use of the platform to ensure that minors do not use it. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that a user is under the required age limit or that a minor is using an account, we will close that account. Should you feel that your account has been unfairly terminated due to an age-related error, you have the option to appeal the decision.

In Short: You must be 13 years or older to use Peekamoji.

What you can do on the platform as a user of the Peekamoji platform, you can:

·     Create and share your own content.

·     Interact with other users.

·     View content created by other users.

·     Use the various features and functionalities offered by the platform.

The rights we grant you to use the Platform are:

·     Specifically defined in these Terms.

·     Personal and non-transferable.

·     May be revoked if you breach these Terms or for any other reason specified herein.


Purchases on the Platform:

 To make purchases on Peekamoji, including the purchase of virtual goods or services, you must be at least 18 years old, or have the consent of a parent or guardian.


What You Can't Do on the Platform


To ensure a positive and safe environment on Peekamoji, certain behaviors and activities are prohibited on the platform. These include:

·     Unlawful acts, including but not limited to posting, live streaming or distributing illegal content.

·     Acts that violate laws or regulations related to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, export controls and financial sanctions.

·     Unsuitable or exploitative interactions with minors.

·     Actions that undermine the operation or security of the platform.

·     Fraudulent commercial conduct, such as operating spam or impersonation accounts.

·     Submission of unfounded complaints or reports.

·     Unauthorized data extraction from the platform.

·     Using another user's account without permission.

In addition, it is not allowed to post, live stream, or distribute content that:

·     Violates the rights of others, including intellectual property, privacy and/or personality rights.

·     Incites, poses, or instructs criminal acts or dangerous activities.

·     Spreads harmful misinformation.

·     Threatens, intimidates, or harasses others.

·     Is obscene, pornographic, or promotes sexually explicit material.

·     Is hateful, inflammatory, or promotes violence or discrimination.

·     Contains other harmful content, especially against minors.

You can report suspected illegal content or content that violates these Terms or our Community Guidelines.


Your Account and Content


It is important to us that you understand your responsibilities in relation to the content you create, post, or share on the Platform:

·     You are responsible for all content you make available and must ensure that you have the necessary rights to create, post or share it.

·     Content that you create, post, or share on a Peekamoji app may automatically be shared across other Peekamoji apps, depending on your settings.

·     We review content both proactively and reactively, using technology and human moderators to do so.

·     We reserve the right to remove or restrict access to content that violates these Terms or harms us, our users, or third parties.

·     You can remove your own content from the platform at any time.

·     Your content may continue to exist on the Platform or third-party services if it has been used by other users or shared externally.

·     You can limit how other users can interact with and use your content through your settings on the platform.

Remember to familiarize yourself with these settings before posting content on Peekamoji.


4.7 When you share sponsored content.


If you post content on the Platform promoting a third-party brand or its products or services in exchange for payment or any other incentive, you are subject to rules for this. You must use appropriate disclosures, including any functionality provided by the platform, to ensure that all posts that are sponsored, for example, are prominent.

Respect other people's property

We at Peekamoji respect copyright and other intellectual property rights. If you encounter suspected violations of these rights on our Platform, you can report it to us in the following ways:

·     For copyright issues: Support@Peekamoji.com

·     For trademark-related questions: Support@Peekamoji.com

In addition, violations can also be reported directly in the app via the built-in reporting tools.

In Short: We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our intellectual property policy and follow its guidelines.


Who Owns Your Content and Licenses


Even if you retain ownership of your content, use of our Platform requires you to grant us certain rights, known as a license. By uploading, posting, or otherwise making content available on the Platform, you provide Peekamoji with:

·     Non-exclusive license (you can still license your content to others).

·     Royalty-free license (we do not pay for the use of your content).

·     Transferable and sublicensable license (we may assign the license to others or allow others to use your content in accordance with these terms).

·     Global license (valid anywhere in the world).

This license gives us the right to use your Content to operate, develop, and provide the Platform, and includes the right to reproduce, adapt, and create derivative works. The license also applies to affiliates as part of platform availability.

You further grant all users of the Platform a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to access and use Your Content in accordance with the features and settings of the Platform.

These licenses end when you close your account or when your content is removed from the platform. However, for legal reasons, certain licenses may continue even after removal of your content, especially if your content has been used by other users or needs to be retained for legal reasons.

If you submit comments, ideas, or feedback to us, you agree that we may use them without compensation to you to improve the Platform. This also applies to content such as images or videos, which Peekamoji can use in marketing without restrictions.


What can we promise you?


Our promise to you is to provide the Peekamoji platform with professional care and security. However, we do not guarantee that the platform will be available forever or remain unchanged. We take reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment for users.

Most of the content on the Platform is user-generated and Peekamoji is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or updating of that content. The Content does not necessarily represent our views or values.

The Platform may contain links to third-party websites and services that we do not endorse or are responsible for. Your use of such third-party resources is at your own risk.

We accept no liability for any loss or damage unless it is directly caused by a breach of these Terms or was foreseeable at the time of entering into the Agreement. Our liability is not excluded or limited in cases where it would be illegal to do so.

For EEA-based consumers, EEA consumer law provides certain legal guarantees in connection with the use of the platform.


If you want to say goodbye to us


You have the option to end your relationship with Peekamoji at any time. You can do this by closing your account and stopping your use of the platform. When you close your account in one Peekamoji App, you will also lose access to your content and account on all other Peekamoji Services to which your account is linked. Depending on your settings, some of your content may continue to be available on the platform even after you delete your account.

While we hope you stay, you have the freedom to leave the platform at any time by closing your account.


Our Rights in Breach


If there is a suspicion of violating our terms or Community Guidelines, we reserve the right to investigate and act. During such investigation, we may remove your content or suspend your access to certain features of the Platform. Decisions to suspend or terminate your account will be made based on the severity of the suspected violation and may include:

·     Temporarily suspend or permanently close your account.

·     Restricting or limiting your access to Platform features.

·     Actions taken in connection with legal obligations or serious technical or safety issues.

We document violations, and repeated or serious violations may result in permanent ban. If you believe a mistake was made in suspending or closing your account, you can appeal the decision through Support@Peekamoji.com

Note: Suspension or closure of your account means loss of access to all Peekamoji apps.


Changes to Terms and Platform


From time to time, we may change these Terms or the Platform itself. When such changes take place, we will consider your interests and inform you in good time of any material changes as well as the date they take effect. These changes will only affect our relationship going forward.

In case of urgent changes due to security, legal or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to inform you in advance, but we will do so as soon as possible.

If you do not agree to the updated terms, the only solution is to stop using the platform.


Reasons for Changes


Reasons why we may change these Terms, or the Platform include:

·     Changes to matters beyond our control.

·     Legislative changes.

·     Development and updating of our platform.

·     Adaptation to new Technologies.

·     Changes in the use of the Platform or its features.

·     Security-related updates.

We are committed to being transparent about any changes we make to the Platform or to the Terms.


Do we disagree!


In the event of any dispute or dispute arising in connection with the use of Peekamoji, these Terms shall be governed by the law of the district in which you reside. We will always try to resolve any disputes amicably. Should this not be possible, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with Danish law and by Danish courts.


Everything else


These Terms, as well as the rights and permissions granted herein, are not transferable or assignable by you. However, Peekamoji has the right to assign these without restrictions. If we choose to transfer these terms, it will not affect your rights as a consumer. Should you be dissatisfied with such a transfer, you always have the option to terminate the contract and stop using the platform.

Note: Should Peekamoji decide in the future to sell, restructure, or otherwise change ownership of the business, your agreements with us, including personal data, may be transferred to the new owner.

We reserve the right to reclaim your account name and make it available to other users if you have not been active on your account for 6 months or if we believe your account name violates our terms and community guidelines.

It is important to remember that even if there is a delay in enforcing any provision of these Terms, it does not mean that the requirement to comply with these Terms will disappear. Both we and you have the right to enforce the Terms later.


Contact us.


For questions, feedback, or other inquiries, please feel free to contact us at Support@Peekamoji.com. In certain countries, we may be required to provide specific regulatory information or points of contact, although we may not be physically present in that country.